Random Rumbling


This was initially a Facebook post, but I’ve been away from here so long I decided I should post it here too. Tho’ I think I’m still going to do a proper end of the year post or whatever..


Just because the year is packing it’s bags and I’m gonna miss it for all the flips it brought my way, I will allow myself to be cheesy and mushy.
I met Akintunde Aiki this year, he isn’t Jesus but oh well, let’s just say my life never remained the same, though he can be a major pain in the yansh without even trying. He makes being mean so easy. But he has helped me immensely, mostly unknowingly and I’m grateful.
Jerry has always been a good friend, a friend you can call by 2am and you are sure will be awake to listen to your rambling while he’s busy coding, a friend that will update you on good music, a friend that isn’t afraid to tell you you are being dumb and he is smart, the friend that will make the effort to keep it together when you’re drifting away, the friend everyone secretly prays for. There’s no better word than good for you Jay.
Then, there’s ‘Seun, all round good human that rarely smiles – hiding his free spirit – reminds me to pray, reminds me that God is rich and generous, reminds me to walk in the supernatural as my natural, shows me how calming and helpful having good friends is, calls on impulse, calls me “emotionless”, loves me regardless, rap buddy. It’s funny how we are complete strangers one day and best friends the next, but I’m happy it turned out that way. I wouldn’t change a thing. 2015 would have sucked without you in it.
Esther; this girl is my definition of “sticking-it-through” I may appear friendly and jovial, but appearances are deceptive. I can be a mega bore and Esther has stuck it through. She has cared when I didn’t. She has been around me when I’ll rather be left alone. She has stuck it through with me, patiently. I’m grateful, I won’t take it for granted.
I also met Stella Williams this year, an aged professor that carried herself with something grater than academic achievements but something more metallic, concrete. Something I can’t quite label with an English word. She does something to you, when you meet her, hear her speak, something happens and you don’t forget it. She burns her fingerprint into your mind. Perhaps a day will come when I’ll do such too, not only with mere collection of certificates.
I met lautech this year, and I was blown away by how much there is do. How bad society can be, and how comfortable I have been. I learnt that I cannot speak Yoruba well enough, when I do heads turned in sideway chuckle. I learnt that I can be friendly, that people are interesting and delicate creatures. I learnt that mosquitoes love to drink my blood like it were wine, that my flawless skin became history the day I set foot in lautech. I learnt that time is a whore, but you could always redeem it. I learnt that church needs saving. I learnt that freedom is overrated and I have zero strength or appetite for rebellion. I learnt that I have much to do.
With Joshua Asih, I saw that small things become big things in seemingly no time at all. All things are possible. He is encouragement in motion.
2015 explained to me what favour meant in practical terms, in ways that I could take a hold of it with my hand, raise it above my head and wave for all to see, not me, but it.
Music became husband or more soothing, bae, but bae does not capture the intensity of our commitment to each other. Husband is more appealing to me. There was Travis Greene, J Monty, Yaves, Ki’shon, Eshon, Jonathan Mcreynolds, KB, Swoope, Andy, NF. There was music this year. Music that had me doing nothing but listen for hours, for days, listening like it were church. Music taught me this year. Music caught me and sat me on the statue of liberty and said “sit there, now look…”
Books broke me. I will not say much on reading because I can’t explain it all to you. It is too much, too much for my lazy fingers to press to words. Even if I did try, it will not do to you what it did to me. It must be experienced. An experience only a reader can have. The type that makes you ponder and wonder at the simplest things and somehow the universe changes for you.
I saw that nobody has real eyebrows anymore lol, but that’s okay. I might go and get rid of my originals. I saw that I lack interest for many things, like other people’s lifes. I am not sure whether it is a lack of empathy or just me minding my own business. I am trying to draw the line. I also have found that YouTube is a blessing. This year I found the internet most helpful.
To all that have listened when I talk, laughed at my unfunny jokes, called me out to say I’m wrong, gave me a hug when I didn’t ask but needed one, called my number despite my unfaithfulness, shared their thoughts with me, read my nonsense, said nice things to me, helped me in anyway, made me grow, been there, called me friend. You are seen and you are loved, in the simple way that I can.
Two thousand and fifteen came like privilege. A ride to remember and write to keep in a white paper notebook for days when memory fails and ink remains.
Two thousand and sixteen will be another.


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